Friday, October 17, 2008

California Trip continued -

Muir Woods!!!

WOW!!! is all I have to say.

Amazing, how big these trees became. It would be totally cool to be the Swiss Family Robinson and live in the trees here...

The time it took for these trees to get this big is amazing.

Here is the tourist group, Trevor Sarah, Linzee, and Andrew.
Man did we have a good time, we joked and poked fun at each other it was a blast:)!!!

You get dizzy if you stand an look up too long....

I really wanted to crawl up this trunk but Sarah said I would be a bad example for the young boys who were watching us take this picture, Man I never have any fun, Just kidding I have fun, but she is probably right, like usual:)!!

Andrew and Linzee, see we were all having fun, what a big tree, a person could live inside these things.

Here is the Golden Gate Bridge, too bad the fog never moved out completely while we were down there so we never actually saw the entire thing, top to bottom. We mainly saw the bottom.

Looks like we have an excuse to go back.....

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